The pH level in the body is important in all health aspects and the human body tends to be more acidic than alkaline. High acidic levels not only increase the possibility of disease and other dangerous health problems, but it makes weight loss difficult and it increases the occurrence of muscle pain, poor circulation, fatigue and an increased appetite.

If the pH in your body is too acidic it is likely the result of eating unhealthy foods, sugary desserts and beverages and consuming alcohol. The body’s natural reaction to a high acidic level is to store the acid in body fat as a way of shielding and protecting itself, making it much more difficult to lose weight.

The pH balance can be restored by consuming foods that are high in alkaline which include green tea, vegetables and fruit and healthy grains. The more balanced your pH levels are the more energy you will have and will avoid mood swings and headaches. The perfect pH level for the body is 7.5, which helps your body metabolize nutrients and maintain a proper weight.

In addition to eating alkaline foods, there is also alkaline water that is useful in helping you maintain a healthy pH balance in your body.


Standard water has a neutral pH level of 7 and alkaline water provides a pH level of 8 or 9. When alkaline water is consumed it helps regulate the pH level of the body, with the healthy level being a pH level of 7.5.

Alkaline water contains nutrient additives including magnesium, calcium, potassium and bicarbonate, all of which have alkalizing properties. One of the benefits of alkaline water is that it enhances the body’s ability to neutralize dangerous acids present in the bloodstream and that enhance energy levels and overall health by enabling the body to absorb and metabolize nutrients better.

Another benefit of alkaline water is its ability to better hydrate the body, which works especially well for athletes and individuals who have strenuous workouts.

Standard tap and bottled water routinely contain toxins due to the treatment processes that are used to make water sources safe. However, these processes generally include disinfectants which are never completely filtered from the water. Another advantage of alkaline water is that it appears to be able to break down the DBPs (disinfectant-by-products) making it safer for consumption.

Alkaline water is available for purchase in some areas, but there are also alkaline water filtration systems that can be installed in your home.


While everyone knows they should drink plenty of water but doing it doesn’t always happen. The fact of the matter is drinking enough water is essential to weight loss and overall good health. When trying to lose weight, water acts as an aid in the process by providing hydration without additional calories. Drinking water and other non-caloric fluids can make you feel fuller faster. It also helps flush the body of toxins and waste, which also helps with fat metabolism.

If the body detects a shortage of water, it will go into survival mode which means the metabolism slows down along with your weight loss.

A lack of water in the body essentially creates a domino effect and slows other bodily functions down. Without proper hydration, a sluggish metabolism does not work at an efficient level in which to burn calories; blood flow to fat tissue slows down and hinders fat removal. An ample supply of water is necessary.

Water can help energize muscles because the body’s cells have amply fluid for maintaining electrolytes. In contrast, when cells don’t have this, you’ll experience muscle fatigue. With any type of work out or physical activity, you should increase your water intake.

A general recommendation of water intake is a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses per day. However, if you’re trying to lose weight then for every additional 25 pounds of weight, you should add another 8 ounces of water for your total recommended daily intake. Hydrating your body throughout the day will maintain balance. If you wait until you’re feeling thirsty then your body is already dehydrated at that point. Adding water to your daily regimen is easy. Some choose to fill a 64-ounce container and sip throughout the day, knowing it should be empty before going to bed.

Signs of dehydration include dizziness, low blood pressure, lack of energy, dry throat and mouth, fatigue, headache, thirst, highly concentrated urine, muscle spasms, or rapid heart rate.


